Read Restoring My Soul A Workbook for Finding and Living the Authentic Self Andrea Mathews 9780595426713 Books

As infants who only understood oneness with the mother, we were surrounded by people, attitudes, traumas, relationship dynamics and all manner of parental projections with which we identified. We, therefore, hung our name tags on our parents' old unresolved and projected "stuff" in certain prescribed ways that formed a mask and a costume meant especially for us. Though we were mistaken in donning the mask and costume laid out for us, this mistake kept us attached to our caregivers, and/or helped us survive sometimes horrendous childhoods. But our survival technique has now become the albatross around our necks, while we walk the planks laid out for us by the roles we play. Do we imagine that our problems are really the result of some external force? Again, we are mistaken. Most of the problems that we have today have come about as a result of the role we play, its script and the choices we have made out of that identity. The solution lies in finding the Authentic Self.And yet, our world teaches us that finding the Authentic Self is, at best, a well-guarded secret passage of mythical proportions, and at worst, wasted time and effort, for it simply cannot be done. If we believe that, we are mistaken yet again. Not only is it possible to find and begin to live out of our authenticity, but it is the most hopeful journey we will ever take. It offers us the potential of a lasting peace, and yes, even joy. Working the pages of this book offers a practical yet deeply spiritual guide to finding and living the Authentic Self.
Read Restoring My Soul A Workbook for Finding and Living the Authentic Self Andrea Mathews 9780595426713 Books
"This is the best self-help book on the market. Period. Because it has such a positive title, it may be difficult to find by those who need it the most (those who are in despair and engulfed in negative thinking and doing searches with negative keywords). What does this get right that no other book does? Well, a couple of things.
1. Tone. Andrea Matthews speaks in a thoroughly compassionate tone, while carefully walking through a process that truly works. She lets you know she knows her stuff (she has tons of experience) and a sense of humor. Her tone makes you trust her and trust yourself. Few authors are able to accomplish this.
2. This is a book that uses a creative-spiritual process as a therapeutic tool. And it is actually creative and spiritual, not just a boring lecture full of jargon.
I am only writing this review because I think the author truly deserves praise and support for her amazing work. I wish the publishing market was more trustworthy and that better self-help books like this one were published. Instead, we are deluged every year by self-help books full of clichés."
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Tags : Restoring My Soul A Workbook for Finding and Living the Authentic Self [Andrea Mathews] on . As infants who only understood oneness with the mother, we were surrounded by people, attitudes, traumas,Andrea Mathews,Restoring My Soul A Workbook for Finding and Living the Authentic Self,iUniverse, Inc.,0595426719,Assertiveness, motivation self-esteem,Personal Growth - Happiness,Personal Growth - Success,SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness,Self-Help,Self-Help / General,Self-Help / Personal Growth / Success,Self-Help Personal Growth - Success,Self-Help/Personal Growth - Success
Restoring My Soul A Workbook for Finding and Living the Authentic Self Andrea Mathews 9780595426713 Books Reviews :
Restoring My Soul A Workbook for Finding and Living the Authentic Self Andrea Mathews 9780595426713 Books Reviews
- This book really opened my eyes to some bad emotional habits I’ve been carrying around for years. I’ve done a lot of inner work towards the end of 2017 and I believe this book helped me the most. I’ve recommended it to several people I know who are also struggling for different reasons. Figure out who your Authentic Self is! And watch everything else fall into place)
- Great book for help and guidance in re-discovering or discovering yourself. Well written very easy to read and understand. Very interactive workbook in which you use drawings and words to assist with recalling what you enjoyed our dreamed about in the past, even back to your childhood. Although I haven't finished the entire workbook yet as I just received it, I can clearly see this book being very beneficial and valuable to me.
- This is the best self-help book on the market. Period. Because it has such a positive title, it may be difficult to find by those who need it the most (those who are in despair and engulfed in negative thinking and doing searches with negative keywords). What does this get right that no other book does? Well, a couple of things.
1. Tone. Andrea Matthews speaks in a thoroughly compassionate tone, while carefully walking through a process that truly works. She lets you know she knows her stuff (she has tons of experience) and a sense of humor. Her tone makes you trust her and trust yourself. Few authors are able to accomplish this.
2. This is a book that uses a creative-spiritual process as a therapeutic tool. And it is actually creative and spiritual, not just a boring lecture full of jargon.
I am only writing this review because I think the author truly deserves praise and support for her amazing work. I wish the publishing market was more trustworthy and that better self-help books like this one were published. Instead, we are deluged every year by self-help books full of clichés. - Well organized, well written. Straight to the point but with humor, this book is entertaining and at the same time so educational. For nearly my entire adult life, I've been on a hunt to find myself...and this book has done the best job so far of mapping the territory between me and the treasure of my Authentic Self that I seek, and what is blocking me from finding it. My perception of my mind and how I operate in the world has forever been changed because of this book.
Restoring My Soul is so much more effective than reading a regular self help book because it's a workbook, where you have to stop frequently and really dig into your own stuff before continuing. Its like 2 years of psychotherapy packed into a book you can work through in a week, and then return again and again to the things that are the keys to your freedom. Truly an invaluable resource. Incredibly grateful to have stumbled upon it. - Using this book now and bought it for 3 of my friends. Hope they find it as useful as I have!
- Good read. Insight and thought provoking.
- Andrea Mathews, a licensed and nationally-certified counselor, has written a unique book to help people rediscover the Authentic Self and design their lives as they were originally meant to live. In short, the Authentic Self is the bottom line roots of who we are in our souls. But we have lost touch with this original essence over time by playing roles that were put upon us since birth by other people. As a result, we lack the awareness needed to live fully with confidence, passion, and a sense of purpose. In a nutshell, this book can bring you to an in-depth, thorough understanding of who you are.
Mathews' book is designed like a specific step-by-step workbook in order to help people begin the healing process of finding and living their Authentic Self, first from within, and then in their personal and professional relationships. The classic challenge that we all have is playing roles in our lives (the masks and costumes) that were based on the past and are no longer relevant, healthy, or empowering to the soul. Instead these roles keep us locked into behaviors and fear-based emotions that we no longer want to experience in our lives and serve us no good.
I especially like how the process involves raising the awareness of who we are from within by creating unique images that resonate within each of us. This involves several fun exercises, from Mathews' now almost 30 year counseling experience, which are designed to put readers in touch with their younger and freer true self. I like how she breaks down her process into simple chunks that almost anyone can do with ease like drawing stretches, writing poems, and using our imaginations.
The process of discovery and healing continues from here to defining roles, making critical distinctions, breaking down barriers to living the Authentic Self, and then trusting, living, and celebration the rediscovered essential you.
Other observations of mine include
* The actual concept of the authentic self is largely underappreciated by the masses, but that's starting to change as more people are discovering the joy that comes from simply being ourselves.
* The definition of the roles we play will help men and women alike in discovering the false self (masks & costumes), which keeps them locked into undesired emotional habits & unhealthy relationships.
* The Authentic Self is the true voice of wisdom within each individual and is the basis of self-confidence, personal power, and life fulfillment.
* This book contains both psychological and spiritual concepts, which combine to create deeper understanding and instant resonance with the truth of our individual sense of the Divine.
* One should use this book to work and then rework the exercises so that the images of our true selves become clearer and more real.
* Beyond the exercises found throughout the book, this book is also filled with real examples that clearly explain how both the role and the Authentic Self operate in our lives.
While the casual observer may get the impression that this book is more clinical or therapeutic in nature, the bottom line is that Restoring My Soul may, if readers do the work, lead them to a spiritual understanding of who they really are. Without this knowing, we can spend the rest of our lives chasing our tails without a sense of direction or purpose.