» Read Online Secrets Wishes Audible Audio Edition Kathleen Rouser Lynn Carnefix Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas Books
Bryan Richards on Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Read Online Secrets Wishes Audible Audio Edition Kathleen Rouser Lynn Carnefix Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 11 hours and 36 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas
- Audible.com Release Date January 7, 2019
- Whispersync for Voice Ready
- Language English, English

Secrets Wishes Audible Audio Edition Kathleen Rouser Lynn Carnefix Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas Books Reviews
- Kathleen Rouser created an absolutely overwhelming and heartfelt read with Secrets and Wishes, sequel to Rumors and Promises. I was drawn into the story from the beginning and was right in the moment throughout this astonishing story. The research Rouser did for the early 1900’s apothecary and medicines being peddled by traveling shows, that caused harm at times, shined through.
The hero and heroine were three dimensional with true to life issues during the setting. My emotions were right there whether it was the grief Maggie and Thomas felt for their deceased spouse, providing for the children who missed their other parent, the award for Maggie’s entry in a baking contest, the community events that were not always pleasant to deal with or the prayers being offered to gain clarity for decisions to be made. The scenes and dialogues were vivid that kept me turning the pages and connecting with all that was happening. There was never a dull moment in the action with unanticipated twists and turns from the primary and secondary characters. It was nice to reconnect with Ian and Sophie McCormick and others from book one in this series. I appreciate the underlying message of God’s faithfulness, love, and second chances that Rouser interwove into this story. As I read the last line and closed the book, I was savoring the beauty of this heartwarming story.
I look forward to reading more books by Kathleen Rouser. I’m really hoping she’ll have another story set in Stone Creek, Michigan with these lovable community residents to see what is transpiring in their lives. - I love historical romance and Kathleen Rouser has a way with words. This sequel to Rumors and Promises does not disappoint. Secrets & Wishes is set in the early 1900s when aspirin was replacing some herbal remedies and the horseless carriage were considered dangerous contraptions. Medicine shows and other superstitions still plagued doctors and pharmacies alike. Descriptions of the town and the new-fangled pharmacy give the readers a you-are-there feeling. Something, I as a reader love.
This romance isn’t easily tied up with a ribbon. Maggie, a baker and Thomas, the new pharmacist in town, both widowed with children must navigate many misunderstandings to even become friends. Romantic intentions bubble to the surface as illness and saving the town from a charlatan forces them to take a second look at each other. Secondary characters full of superstition are a good foil to Thomas’ more educated viewpoints and Maggie’s practical ministrations. Wonderful read. I finished this in a single weekend because the plot is so compelling. - So sorry to say that Maggie and Thomas's story just didn't hold my interest! Would give 2 and 1/2 stars if possible. Not sure what happened, because all the elements were here -- beautiful widow, with young son, who is smart, and capable, etc. Handsome widower with 4 young children, who is really struggling with single parenthood, managing the pharmacy, and just life in general. Misses all his wife did, and he doesn't expect to ever love again. He gets deathly ill, and the doctor asks Maggie to help the family, because -- coincidentally -- her husband had been a pharmacist also. So much to work with here. Maggie's boy and Thomas's youngest get in a schoolyard fight, and later make up. Thomas's only daughter needs a woman in her life, and Maggie loves her and spends time with her. Lots of other good supporting cast -- including Sophie and Ian, now happily married, from 1st book, and even brings Maggie's former flame. But, author just seems to stumble around -- lots of starts and then derailments. HEA ending, but felt forced and contrived.
- A great and enjoyable read. Love-able characters. A great story of redemption and wrongs being made right. I enjoyed learning about how aspirin came about, history is always interesting. The interaction between Maggie and Thomas was fun to read as it unfolds from dislike to love. I mean she would have to be a great gal to take on a man with four children who needed a firm hand. Those from our past aren't always what we remember or think they are was a great reminder. I especially loved the baking contest Maggie enters and when the town makes a day to celebrate her accomplishments.
Rating 5*
I received this book as a gift and all opinions are my own. - I primarily loved the development of the characters. You understood why they changed over time. And the plot made sense. Plus I loved learning about the beginning of the 1900's. Very clever to include information about pharmacy related things at that time and the insights into life then. I loved every part of this book.
- Secrets and Wishes by Kathleen Rouser is a delightful sequel to her first novel, Rumors and Promises. Ms. Rouser does an excellent job of allowing the reader to be drawn into Stone Creek, Michigan and see what life must have been like at the turn of the century. Her well-developed characters shine through on each page. I look forward to more books from this author in the future.
This book was provided for free and a favorable review was not required - 2018. - I was excited to read Secrets and Wishes, knowing especially that it was a sequel to Rumors and Promises, which I enjoyed. Secrets and Wishes was just as great! I grinned at Maggie being headstrong--really appropriate since she needed to be to move forward in life--and nodded at Thomas's caring dad role. One thing I can always count on with a Kathleen Rouser novel is slipping back into time and staying there for the duration of the whole novel--she's an author who adores history.
- This story just did not work for me. When I started the book , I did not realize it was a sequel. I did enjoy the first book, so really surprised when I struggled to read this. I didn't think Maggie and Thomas had any chemistry at all. I think the fact that they decided they were " in love", contrived at best. I found myself skimming jus t to get through it.