» Download The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye Pantheon Graphic Library Sonny Liew Books
Bryan Richards on Monday, 29 April 2019
Download The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye Pantheon Graphic Library Sonny Liew Books

Product details - Series Pantheon Graphic Library
- Hardcover 320 pages
- Publisher Pantheon (March 1, 2016)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1101870699

The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye Pantheon Graphic Library Sonny Liew Books Reviews
- Warning Do not pick this book up if you wake up in the middle of the night, because you will not be able to put it down and go back to sleep, and its brilliance will haunt you until dawn.
If you're not Singaporean, you'll gain lots of insight about what makes this strange country tick, as well as the darker bits that are usually swept under the carpet.
If you're Singaporean, and have only heard the official Singapore Story until now, you'll learn so much.
If you know a little about the alternative narratives that have shaped the country, you'll fill in some blanks.
If you don't know anything about comics, you'll be surprised at the sheer range and depth of storytelling that's possible.
If you know a bit of comics history, you'll get a kick out of all the homages along the way.
If you're interested in design, this is a great example.
If you're interested in densely-layered narratives, you'll love it.
If you just want a simple story, there's one to be found too! Sonny Liew does a great job of guiding newbies along the way, so you won't be lost.
If you're an artist, you may quite possibly be inspired by it.
Bottom line, if you are human, and can read English, you'll probably like this book. - This is the most unusual and thoroughly satisfying graphic novel I have read in years. Caution! No superheroes. No confessional memoirs. No thinly disguised allegories. The fictional Charlie Chan Hock Chye presents his evolution as a creator of somewhat politically charged comics in the style (s) of a wonderful variety of artists. The book is a celebration of graphic art, an encapsulation of the recent history of Singapore, and a tribute to an artist.
- This meticulously crafted graphic novel follows the tumultuous history of Singapore after World War II. Charlie Chan Hock Chye is a young comic book artist whose illustrations and perspective bring Singapore's history to life. As a Singaporephile, I was intrigued to learn more about about a figure I had never heard of. And, I'd never heard of him because Charlie Chan Hock Chye is completely fictitious. I was astounded by the level of work, love and research that Sonny Liew put into this book. This is easily one of the most ambitious and detailed graphic novels that I have ever read. It became an instant favorite!
- Amazingly complex and ambitious book with a ton of heart and soul. The author is critical of Singapore at times yes, but it's always well balanced and ultimately his love and affection for his country shines through. As someone who grew up in Singapore (and now lives in the usa) it really captures the conflicts that many Singaporeans (and expats who live in Singapore) feel about the little red dot. This must have taken years to research and put together and is a great read for anyone interested in Singapore as well as the history of comics.
- A tremendous artistic achievement. Transcends the medium in the same vain as Maus. Stimulates the eye and the mind. I finished the book moved by it's narrative, it's message, it's immersing storytelling structure. Sonny Liew has officially arrived as a major force!
- This is an unusual graphic novel, entirely based on the history of Singapore since WW2. There are detailed descriptions (illustrations and text) of political figures. The plot consists of a retrospective of a Singapore cartoonist whose work commented on current events. Brush up on Singapore history when your read this, although there are notes in the back. Highly recommended.
- A stunning and complex work designed as a work within a work. One learns the modern history of Singapore, the saga of a dreamer who lives to draw his comic books and a good bit of politics. I have given this to friends who love comics and to those who are interested in the history of South Asia.
- Beautifully done, wonderfully creative, mock-autobiographical story of a fictional comic artist reflecting on his lifetime as an independent and unsuccessful critic of Singapore's officialdom. This book should be kept in the library, right next to "The Story of Singapore". It is worth noting, though, that the real author of this book lives in Singapore, where he is quite free to pursue his work. His love of the city state shines through his illustrations.