» Download PDF God Has Big Plans for You Esther Discover 4 Yourself® Inductive Bible Studies for Kids Kay Arthur Janna Arndt 0042516510260 Books
Bryan Richards on Saturday, 27 April 2019
Download PDF God Has Big Plans for You Esther Discover 4 Yourself® Inductive Bible Studies for Kids Kay Arthur Janna Arndt 0042516510260 Books

Product details - Age Range 8 - 11 years
- Grade Level 3 - 6
- Series Discover 4 Yourself® Inductive Bible Studies for Kids
- Paperback 176 pages
- Publisher Harvest House Publishers (August 1, 2011)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0736925961

God Has Big Plans for You Esther Discover 4 Yourself® Inductive Bible Studies for Kids Kay Arthur Janna Arndt 0042516510260 Books Reviews
- We like the book, but wish you could pair it with any version of the Bible. Unfortunately, you are stuck with the one listed in the back.
- I bought this for my two 12 year old granddaughters so they could study the Bible fo themselves. One of them had completed another of tese studies when she was 8 or 9 so I thought this would be a good fit for them. They have been doing the studies and loving them. I'll see for myself when I fly to their house for a 3 week visit soon. They have been asking for a study for a while so it took me a while to look on .
- These books are geared for middle school. The authors keep the students' interest while teaching them an important method of studying God's Word for themselves.
- This has been an excellent daily devotional for our kids, ages 10 and 12.
- This is a great study for kids, but at least 3rd grade.
- Very good.
- Not recommended for Torah loving folks. It unnecessarily mentions NT prophets, when Queen Esther's story has nothing to do with them. Plus if you want to learn about the stories of the lives of righteous individuals in the Bible, why not just learn about them right out? Their stories are quite exciting enough without needing the distractions of the little kid characters, etc.
- By Kay Arthur and Janna Arndt (Harvest House Publishers, 2011)
Reaping with Bible verse readings and activities based on the Bible story of Esther, this book is a fun, interactive Bible study for children. Scattered with enticing black and white cartoon drawings, children will look forward to reading and completing the activities within this book.
This Bible study book is organized into five weeks, with five days of readings and activities. Children will also learn some information about Washington, D.C., as the main characters of the book venture through this historic city, as they gain knowledge about the Bible story of Esther.
Some of the entertaining activities contained in this book are crossword puzzles, fill in the blank, questions to answers, circle the correct answer, draw a picture, and more. Children are encouraged to have a Bible, writing instrument, colored pencils, a dictionary, and index cards nearby to assist them as they journey through this book. The answers to the activities are located in the back of the book.
The front cover of this book is inspiring and enjoyable to look at; children will be excited to open this book and start learning upon first glance at the front cover. This book would make an excellent selection for a classroom, group, or individual study environment.
Disclosure of Material Connection I received this book free from the publisher through the Harvest House Publishers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255vf "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."