Ebook What in YOUR Bag? The Reinvention Incubator&trade Framework for Redesigning Your Business and Your Life eBook Tasha Y Brown

What’s in YOUR Bag? Frustration? Hard work with no results? More bills than business? Are you ready to unpack your bag and dig deep to understand what might be holding you back as an entrepreneur. This book and The Reinvention Incubator was developed out of pure LOVE for the entrepreneurial spirit. The entrepreneurs we call friends, future clients and the one that dwells within. It was developed to address the problem of being stuck, of being stagnant, and the feeling of hopelessness. The Reinvention Incubator is a step by step guide for entrepreneurs to unpack their 'bag' to release their baggage, to reprioritize goals in order to obtain intentional growth, and to redesign their businesses and lives in order to achieve greater productivity, increase customer interactions and increase revenue.
Everyone has a unique perspective and set of experiences that define who we are as individuals. We carry these set of experiences with us, in a proverbial 'bag', keeping them tucked away and safe. The bag can be your mind, relationships or habits but at some point, the truly damaging things in the bag, eat away at us and many times without us even knowing it.
Through this book, the key components of The Reinvention Incubator, will allow you to
•Uncover the challenges, past negative experiences and bad habits not serving you well
•Accept your baggage to demonstrate ownership and accountability
•Forgive yourself and others for the roles played in developing and carrying your baggage to release it
•Clear your mind and develop a path to empty your bag to redesign your life and your business
•Develop a brand to bring in alignment with your business model and the entrepreneur you want to be
•Be a boss with a level of intention that provides meaning, motivation and results
•Develop a support system that works to propel and sustain your business and career
When we take that time to stop and listen and be intentionally aware of that which is holding us back, we're able to reorganize, redefine and pivot to a life that we're meant to live. WE can reinvent our lives, our businesses and truly be in position for perpetual success. So, let's journey together, let’s unpack and see, What's in YOUR bag?
Ebook What in YOUR Bag? The Reinvention Incubator&trade Framework for Redesigning Your Business and Your Life eBook Tasha Y Brown
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Tags : What's in YOUR Bag? The Reinvention IncubatorTM Framework for Redesigning Your Business and Your Life - edition by Tasha Y. Brown. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading What's in YOUR Bag? The Reinvention IncubatorTM Framework for Redesigning Your Business and Your Life.,ebook,Tasha Y. Brown,What's in YOUR Bag? The Reinvention Incubator™ Framework for Redesigning Your Business and Your Life,Business Economics / Business Etiquette,Psychology / Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Neuropsychology
What in YOUR Bag? The Reinvention Incubator&trade Framework for Redesigning Your Business and Your Life eBook Tasha Y Brown Reviews :