» Ebook Life in the Key of Allegra A Personal and Professional Journey with the Healing Powers of Music eBook Allegra ThemmenPigott
Bryan Richards on Saturday, 1 June 2019
Ebook Life in the Key of Allegra A Personal and Professional Journey with the Healing Powers of Music eBook Allegra ThemmenPigott

Product details - File Size 339 KB
- Print Length 233 pages
- Publication Date March 16, 2019
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

Life in the Key of Allegra A Personal and Professional Journey with the Healing Powers of Music eBook Allegra ThemmenPigott Reviews
- Allegra has written an intensely personal, moving account of the ways in which music has healed and changed her, and how it affects the human experience. From childhood to becoming a music therapist, her experiences are richly and lovingly detailed. I was very moved by her story, her bravery, and her obvious desire to help her readers move through challenges in their own lives.
Highly recommended for everyone, especially those who could benefit from the healing power of music. - An extraordinary life, and the author's heart shines through on every page. There was such a gentleness in her written voice as she revealed the most difficult points of her life. This book really made me feel the power of music in her life.
- This is a must read for all of us who understand that one’s life purpose may not be easily recognized. Born into a musical family, the author first sings to please her mother, and then her many teachers. But it is not until her audience changes from sitting in an opera hall to a psychiatric ward that she discovers her true gift. She is a healer and music holds the key. This heartwarming memoir is filled with musical memories that punctuate every moment of the author’s life. You will giggle with her inner child as she touches a keyboard for the first time, and feel her heart pound as she waits in the wings to audition. Your heart will break when she learns her mother has been stricken at a young age with Alzheimer’s, and it will mend again when you share their moment at the keyboard. Life in the Key of Allegra is a beautiful reminder that we all have the power to connect and heal if we can just recognize our true gifts.
- This is an inspiring story. I could not put it down and was very sad when I had finished it--I wanted more, did not want to leave the life and woman this story embodies. It is an unfolding history of meeting life--all of it with raw, true emotional integrity. This leads the reader to have hope that one can also navigate challenges of every kind. The whole story is a bursting reminder that there is not just one road to walk to live a meaningful life that contributes to others' well-being from family members struggling to kids castaway and forgotten who struggle to communicate from inside their true souls. Allegra finds ways with them. As an opera singer saga, one is astounded with Allegra's developing talent she then tends with unbelievable rigor. She teaches us that one must train a God-given gift to offer it wholly to the world. This woman is a healing presence and a guide for anyone who wonders how to live with heart, passion and deep commitment. You will fall in love with Allegra and the story she tells. It is a healing story. Everyone should read it who wants to know it is possible to live life no matter what obstacles turn up on the way. Her perspective sings with resilience and beauty.
- I read it cover to cover in one day! The message was beautifully revealed showing how the impact of music and music therapy can heal you. Bringing us through her childhood traumas of neglect, addictions, sibling death, Alzheimer's to her professional career as a Music Therapist working with mental illness and Special Needs, taught me unforgettable life long lessons. I highly recommend this read for anyone as it is well told and relatable to anyone.
- This memoir not only details in beautiful prose the impact of music on Allegra, but , more important, it inspires us all to find our niche in life, and to apply discipline and love to our chosen goal. The book begins with Allegra as a three year old whose first memory is the music that infused her home. She sings even then and as she grows develops a deep respect in middle school for her choir teacher who encourages her to practice every day and to understand the meaning of the songs she sings. In high school, her choir teacher immediately recognizes her talent and encourages her to get professional help. Her parents, both recognized musicians in New York City — her mother an Emmy winning composer, her father, the music director of the American Ballet—find her a friend and an opera singer for the Metropolitan Opera who agrees to work with Allegra to develop and hone her talent. Through out college years, with discipline and a mature work ethic, opera singing is a priority. Unfortunately, too soon, Allegra’s mother is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s . Because Allegra knows of the power of music, she studies for a master’s degree in music therapy. Here Allegra has found her niche. She sings classical music on stage some days and other day, works with Alzheimer’s patients and Autistic children; both old and young, with Allegra’s guidance, respond to music and lift themselves above their limitations.
This heart warming story will take your breath away and inspire you to be the best...